A pueblo is both a village and a people. In the close-knit farming communities that make up so many spanish villages, the people are the village.
The first week in August our Pueblo enjoys the Festes – a series of events that celebrate the pueblo’s particular history, tradition and culture.
Hijos del Pueblo
The Festes of August are a time for families to regroup and friends to re-unite. A time for those who have gone out to return, re-visit and remember.
A pueblo realises that some must go outside the walls to complete their personal visions and missions.
Our Pueblo remembers and recognises these as ‘hijos del pueblo’ – sons and daughters of the village; and trusts that the hijos, the children of the pueblo will in turn remember their roots.
One of the cultural events of the Festes week this year is an exhibition of paintings, and the people speak of the artist as being an hijo del pueblo even though he has lived outside the village for many years.
The PS:
As families and as churches we recognise, release and send those who are called to far places. And we keep our doors and our hearts open at all times to welcome them home.