Art is a Powerful Medium.
John 14:6a
This is another of the posters we prepared for our bi-lingual church in Andalucia as part of our outreach across languages and cultures. It pairs with John 14:6b
In the english and spanish services each Sunday we share a vision for evangelism and a heart for Jesus. Our care reaches out into the community.
The church is active, and on the church walls we have a flow of photographs and other visual art, declaring the glory of God.
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Our Thoughts on Copyright:
We believe in respect for ownership, whilst always being open to share our creativity.
º The posters fulfill the ©copyright requirements of the bible publishers for a presentation within a church.
º The image and final design are copyright to the author of this site. ©cánovas
Should you wish to reproduce any of this work, please read our stand regarding copyrights and feel free to contact us. We are friendly.